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5’-Azido-puromycin: Copper-free CLICK labeling of newly synthesized proteins

The dynamics of global protein synthesis (both spatial and temporal) is an essential parameter to characterize the cellular response under various physiological and pathological conditions. Thus a number of methods have been developed to monitor newly synthesized proteins in cell culture and whole organisms[1].

Ge et al. reported a copper-free alternative to the well-established O-Propargyl-puromycin (OPP)-based monitoring of newly synthesized proteins: The cell-permeable 5’-Azido-puromycin[2] (Fig. 1A) incorporates into the C-terminus of translating polypeptide chains thereby stopping translation.

Resulting C-terminal azide-labeled proteins can be detected via copper-free CLICK labeling that offers the choice to introduce a (Desthio) Biotin group (DBCO-modified (Desthio) Biotin) for subsequent capture and identification tasks or a fluorescent group (DBCO-modified fluorescent dyes) for subsequent microscopic imaging[2] (Fig. 1B).

Figure 1: 5‘-Azido-puromycin labels newly synthesized proteins in cell culture (adapted from Ge et al. [2]).

Figure 1: 5‘-Azido-puromycin labels newly synthesized proteins in cell culture (adapted from Ge et al.[2]).

A) Chemical structure of 5’-Azido-puromycin. Visualization of incorporated 5’-Azido-puromycin can be performed via copper-free CLICK-labeling with DBCO-modified fluorescent dyes

B) Nascent protein expression in HeLa cells was visualized by treatment with 10 µM 5’-Azido-puromycin (5Z) with and without pretreatment with 50 µg/ml Cycloheximide (CHX) or 20 µM Bortezomib. Incorporated 5’-Azido-puromycin was subsequently detected by TMR-DBCO or FITC-DBCO, nuclear DNA was stained with Hoechst dye. Scale bar: 15 µm

Product Cat. No. CLICK detection chemistry CLICK detection reagents
5’-Azido-puromycin CLK-110 Copper-free DBCO-modified fluorescent dyes
DBCO-modified Biotin
O-Propargyl-Puromycin NU-931 Cu(I)-catalyzed Azides of fluorescent dyes
Azides of Biotin

Questions or inquiries?

Dr. Barbara Zschoernig

Please contact Barbara with all questions or inquiries you may have!

Selected References:

[1] Tang et al. (2023) Nascent Proteomics: Chemical Tools for Monitoring Newly Synthesized Proteins. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 62:e202305866 (1-11).

[2] Ge et al. (2016) Puromycin Analogues Capable of Multiplexed Imaging and Profiling of Protein Synthesis and Dynamics in Live Cells and Neurons. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 55:4933.